Lake Investigations
"Your Worker's Compensation Specialist"

With business and industry, Surveillance has become an important tool for checking on employees involved with fraud against their employer with worthless work related injury claims. The State Of California's Workers Compensation Commission, in it's yearly newsletter, stated that Fraud Complaints are on the increase. Our #1 priority is Worker's Compensation Surveillance. Our staff is well trained with the latest in High Tec Equipment, Procedures and Laws. Our High Standards, produce evidence in the way of surveillance videotape, report writing and court presentations, to insure the successful prosecution of potential fraud cases. We've been involved with hundreds of successful fraud prosecutions and many more reductions in benefits paid on exaggerated claims. We've helped in prosecuting or reducing claims up to 90% of the time. Video surveillance is the number one tool in reducing disability ratings. We begin with what the applicant says he or she can't do and end up with videotape showing an exaggerated claim.